Preparation of the network meeting
The project team is working together with Juliana Odamea Asare, intern and graduate of the qualification programme, on the preparation of the network meeting, which will take place from 24 to 27 October 2024 in Weimar.
Save-the-date flyers are being designed, registration prepared, guests invited, the programme drawn up… the anticipation is already great!share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 06. August 2024
Panel discussion with Federal Minister Lisa Paus
On 22 July, the panel discussion with Federal Minister Lisa Paus on »Civil society under pressure? What does it take to sustainably strengthen and protect commitment to democracy and diversity?« took place on 22 July.
Eric Wrasse opened the event and also welcomed the graduates of our qualification programme in the audience – graduates of a project funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). Helmut Holter, Thuringian Minister for Education, Youth and Sport (TMBJS), gave introductory remarks.
This was followed by a panel discussion with Lisa Paus (Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth): Christine Schild (Verein zur Förderung von Demokratie und Toleranz e.V. Weimar und Weimarer Land/Bürgerbündnis gegen Rechtsextremismus Weimar/Initiative »Weltoffenes Thüringen«), Elisa Calzolari (Geschäftsführerin migranetz e.V. Thüringen/Landesnetzwerk der Migrant*innenorganisationen), Prof. Dr. Jens-Christian Wagner (Direktor Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora), Romy Arnold (Geschäftsführerin mobit e.V., Mobile Beratung in Thüringen für Demokratie und gegen Rechtsextremismus) and Franziska Schestak-Haase (Counsellor ezra e.V., counselling for victims of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence in Thuringia).
Further information can be found here.
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 23. July 2024
2nd ideas workshop on the competence profile (AdB) in Göttingen
For two days, people from the field of political education will come together near Göttingen to work in depth on the development of the competence profile. Dorit Machell is taking part as a Critical Friend of the project. In particular, she brings intersectional and anti-discriminatory perspectives to the profile. on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 12. July 2024
Neu gedruckt: Leitfaden für kreative Workshop-Gestaltung!
(Apologies. This content is only available in German language.)
Im Rahmen unserer Qualifizierungsprogramme entstand ein Handbuch mit dem Titel »Der Workshopkasten – Ein Handbuch zur Gestaltung von Workshops in der politischen Bildung«. Projektmitarbeiterin Dorit Machell hatte in den letzten Jahren alle Inhalte dafür zusammengetragen, das Layout hatte Maedeh Nassouri (Trainerin aus unserem Projekt und freiberufliche Künstlerin) erstellt.
Das Buch soll eine kleine Orientierungshilfe sein und Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung von Bildungsveranstaltungen (insbesondere Workshop-Formate) in der Politischen Bildung geben. Es enthält den Aufbau von Workshops, eine Einführung in den zielorientierten Methodeneinsatz, Leitfragen für eine gelingende Teamarbeit, eine Vorlage für Workshop-Konzepte und vieles mehr.
Das Handbuch gibt es – neben der gedruckten Version – nun auch als PDF-Datei. Es steht allen Interessierten zum Download zur Verfügung (rechts im Download-Bereich).
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 01. July 2024
Student intern in our project
Moudr Ajaini, a pupil at Parkschule Weimar, completed a one-week pupil internship in our project. From 10 to 14 June 2024, he got to know the building, completed tasks and gained insights into our work processes.
In this context, he also accompanied our colleague Frank König on his seminar »Deutschland, einig Vaterland? Project days on the state of German unity«, which he organised with young people from Eisenach. »On Wednesday, we were in Erfurt at the Andreasstraße memorial and education centre, and then we had a discussion with a contemporary witness about the GDR. On Thursday, we were in Eisenach and asked people there how they experienced the GDR. It was great, thank you very much for the wonderful week!« said Moudr, looking back on his work placement.
We regularly give pupils and graduates of our qualification programme the opportunity to complete an internship with us in the project and at the EJBW, and will continue to do so in the future.
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 19. June 2024
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