Neue Praktikantin unterstützt unser Projektteam
(Apologies. This content is only available in German language.)
Seit 2. September absolviert Maureen Manuella Mbouwe Mbouende ein Praktikum in unserem Projekt. Die junge Frau stammt aus Kamerun und studiert Germanistik an der Universität Jaunde I, wo sie gerade ihre Masterarbeit mit dem Schwerpunkt »Interkulturelle Kommunikation« verfasst. Zudem absolviert sie eine Ausbildung im Projektmanagement bei Google.
Ihre Interessen liegen in den Bereichen Transkulturalität, Empowerment von Frauen, Diversität und Rassismus, sowie auch im Umgang mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Sie spricht Französisch, Englisch und Deutsch und freut sich darauf, als neue Praktikantin in unserem Projekt für drei Monate neue Erfahrungen in einem interkulturellen Umfeld zu sammeln und sich weiterzuentwickeln. Herzlich Willkommen, Maureen!share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 04. September 2024
Große Nachfrage nach Workshop-Angeboten
(Apologies. This content is only available in German language.)
Vielen herzlichen Dank für die zahlreichen Workshopanfragen, die uns aktuell erreichen. Wir bitten um Entschuldigung, wenn die Bearbeitung zur Zeit etwas länger dauert. Wir versuchen alle Anfragen zu bedienen, allerdings sind alle Trainer*innen aktuell sehr ausgebucht. Gerne fragen Sie noch Workshops in Englischer Sprache an.
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 29. August 2024
The project ‘Migrants as youth work professionals’ at the Night of Youth in Gera
On Friday, 23 August, project employee Dorit Machell and Edisona Franca, a graduate of the qualification programme, offered an open programme on human rights and Europe at the ›Night of Youth in Gera‹.
Associations and youth facilities in the city of Gera had invited young people to the event for the third time. There were activities for children and young people, such as graffiti, skateboarding, volleyball, climbing, arts and crafts, digital drawing, indoor and outdoor games and much more. Visitors were also able to find out more about opportunities to get involved, human rights and holidays abroad at information stands.
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 26. August 2024
Network Meeting of trainers from the EJBW
We are delighted to announce the upcoming Network Meeting of Trainers from the EJBW! All alumni of the Train the Trainer and Qualification Programme are invited to our network meeting from 24th to 27th October, 2024 at the European Youth Education and Youth Exchange Centre Weimar. We look forward to seeing you all again, celebrating together and looking to the future.
We’ll look back at the past year, network and plan for the future. You’ll also find out about the new funding period from 2025. But most of all, we want to celebrate your successes!
On Thursday and Friday, we will offer training on stress management and the use of AI in education. The AdB will also present the initial results of their work on the competence profile for civic education professionals. We have prepared a fantastic programme for you, which we will present later.
The weekend is about networking, sharing our work and planning the future of our trainer pool. Your physical well-being will be catered for (we will indulge in culinary delights!), participation is free of charge and we will cover your travel costs. Accommodation will also be provided.
We have a great offer for all those who want to come with their children: On Thursday and Friday there will be childcare, on Saturday and Sunday there will be an exciting children’s programme on the topic of children’s rights and anti-discrimination.
Registration: To take part in the network meeting, please register using the online form.
For our planning, we ask you to register as early as possible, but no later than 30 September 2024. If you only know at short notice whether you can be there, just contact us.
You can also just come for the weekend. Please indicate the days you will be available on the registration form in the field »Motivation«.For further information, needs, questions and suggestions, please use the ›Motivation‹ field on the registration form or send an e-mail to .
We look forward to an inspiring meeting!
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 19. August 2024
New training programmes online!
The alumni of this year’s training year are still busy creating their workshops. Some of them are already online. So it’s definitely worth taking a look at our training programme again:
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 12. August 2024
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