We want to make your stay at the EJBW as pleasant as possible; we make sure that we cater to the needs and wishes of each guest individually. Whether it is with paedagogical mentoring in a workshop or technical support for a big conference, we are happy to be here for you!
Ina Roßmeisl
Head of Administration
Tel. +49 3643 827-102
Fax +49 3643 827-279
rossmeisl@ejbweimar.deEric Wrasse
Head of Pedagogical Department
Tel. +49 3643 827-105
Fax +49 3643 827-450
Edward Mulenga
PR & Marketing Manager
Tel. +49 3643 827-108
Mobil +491738990819
Steve Eichler
Education Programme Manager
Europapolitische Bildung
Tel. +49 3643 827-106
Fax +49 3643 827-451
eichler@ejbweimar.deDr. Frank König
Education Programme Manager
Historical and political education
Tel. +49 3643 827-104
Fax +49 3643 827-452
koenig@ejbweimar.deMarkus Rebitschek
Education Programme Manager
Internationale Jugendarbeit
Tel. +49 3643 827-115
Fax +49 3643 827-453
rebitschek@ejbweimar.deChristian-Friedrich Lohe
Education Programme Manager
One is still missing! - What would Robin Hood do in extracurricular political education?
Tel. +49 3643 827-141
Fax +49 3643 827-454
lohe@ejbweimar.deArlett Symanowski
»School without Racism – School with Courage«
Tel. +49 3643 827-144
symanowski@ejbweimar.deDr. Elisa Satjukow
»School without Racism – School with Courage«
Tel. 03643 827-114
satjukow@ejbweimar.deArhea Marshall
»School without Racism – School with Courage«
Tel. 03643 827-142
marshall@ejbweimar.deArianna Rehder
Koordinatorin »Akademie für die Kinder- und Jugendparlamente in Thüringen«
Tel. +49 3643 827-337
Monic Zillger
Accounting & HR-Department
Tel. +49 3643 827-103
Fax +49 3643 827-285
zillger@ejbweimar.deMolham Alkaddour
Projektverwaltung/ Buchhaltung
alkaddour@ejbweimar.deKathrin Wagner
Tel. +49 3643 827-112
Fax +49 3643 827-282
wagner@ejbweimar.deSylvia Scheid
Tel. +49 3643 827 0
Fax +49 3643 827-283
rezeption@ejbweimar.deAnja Teubert
Tel. +49 3643 827 0
Fax +49 3643 827-283
Ralf Kleinert
Technical Support & Service
Tel. +49 3643 827-333
Mobil +49 162 2666 166
Fax +49 3643 827-281
haustechnik@ejbweimar.deLars Zimmermann
Technical Support & IT-Service
Tel. +49 3643 827-332
Mobil +49 162 2666 169
Fax +49 3643 827-334
zimmermann@ejbweimar.deDenis Demmer
Technical Support & Service
Tel. +49 3643 827-333
Mobil +49 162 2666 164
Fax +49 3643 827-281
haustechnik@ejbweimar.deWilly Preller
Coordinator Technical Support & Service
Tel. +49 3643 827-333
Mobil +49 162 2666 065
Fax +49 3643 827-281
Petra Kühne
Deputy Kitchen Chef
Tel. +49 3643 827-120
Fax +49 3643 827-280
kueche@ejbweimar.deJohn Thorwarth
Tel. +49 3643 827-120
Fax +49 3643 827-280
kueche@ejbweimar.deAnke Hammermeister
Tel. +49 3643 827-120
Fax +49 3643 827-280
kueche@ejbweimar.deAnne-Grit Liebermann
Cooking assistance
Tel. +49 3643 827-120
Fax +49 3643 827-280
kueche@ejbweimar.deDana Schwendler
Tel. +49 3643 827-120
Fax +49 3643 827-280
kueche@ejbweimar.deSilke Steiniger
Kitchen staff
Tel. +49 3643 827-120
Fax +49 3643 827-280
Clean Team
Simone Schwendler
Koordinatorin Clean Team
Mobil + 49 162 2666 165
Fax +49 3643 827-284
hauswirtschaft@ejbweimar.deKatrin Neugebauer
Clean Team
Mobil + 49 162 2666 165
Fax +49 3643 827-284
hauswirtschaft@ejbweimar.deKatrin Holland
Clean Team
Mobil +49 162 266 61 65
Fax +49 3643 827-284
hauswirtschaft@ejbweimar.deNancy Engel
Clean Team
Mobil + 49 162 2666 165
Fax Fax +49 3643 827-284
hauswirtschaft@ejbweimar.deAna- Maria Dönicke
Clean Team
Mobil + 49 162 2666 165
Fax +49 3643 827-284