Die »Gelbe Villa« Die »Gelbe Villa« in der Jenaer Straße Eingangsbereich der »Gelben Villa« Eingangsbereih der »Gelben Villa« Seminar- und Loungeraum »Dublin« in der »Gelben Villa«. 68m² für 30 Personen Seminar- und Loungeraum »Dublin« in der »Gelben Villa« Lounge »Lissabon« in der »Gelben Villa«. 20m² für 9 Personen Raum »KIEW« Feiern in der »Gelben Villa« Die »Gelbe Villa« im Musäuspark
Celebrate cosy in the Yellow Villa at the EJBW!
Are you looking for the right venue for your small party or get-together? Then look no further than the Yellow Villa of the EJBW. Our representative lounge and event rooms »Dublin«, »Vienna«, »Lisbon«, »Kiev« and »Riga« can be booked for all types of private functions. The Yellow Villa is a protected historic landmark, and its unique atmosphere makes it an ideal location for your photo shoot. This historic villa is surrounded by the picturesque Musäuspark which lends the venue a special flair.
Free parking spaces are available on the EJBW grounds. The Yellow Villa is located in the immediate proximity to historic downtown Weimar.
If you require more space for your event, take a look at our Reithaus event venue.
• To receive a non-binding offer, please use the booking forms for seminar rooms.
• For an overview of our rooms with their respective sizes and prices, please see our price listings in our download area.
• If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our reception staff.