Unscript it! : The power of redefining narratives
Estera Mihaila from the current year has created a theater workshop on human rights in the context of the qualification programme, which she is offering in Bonn on April 4:
Rewriting narratives isn’t just about the ease and joy of shifting ideas —it’s sometimes also about rolling up our sleeves and making the world a fairer, kinder place for us all.
Can theatre play a role? Well, it allows us to step into different shoes and see the world from new angles. It allows us to stop and change what’s just been said and see if a new phrase has a different outcome. It’s like a playground for exploring ideas and challenging assumptions – changing the narrative.
In today’s world, many people advocate, support, and fight for a new normal based on the ever-growing societal differences and increased awareness of existing inequalities. This makes it ever more pressing to collectively break free from outdated patterns and narratives.
This workshop is an introduction to this process of narrative exploration, following the principles of human rights education, where we will use theatre as an empowerment tool to see how we can breathe life into new stories, amplifying new voices and experiences that might otherwise go unheard.
The aim, you ask? The same as always—over time, an increased ease of living and a more conscious approach to our power to change the stories around us.
The workshop is limited to 24 participants to ensure everyone has enough individual practice time. The event will be fully in English.
More information at: https://www.meetup.com/improvtheatrebonn/events/299651366/
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 21. March 2024
Module 9 informed about »Democracy«
In Module 9 of the Qualifications Programme, participants were introduced to the concept of Democracy. This module took place on the 9th and 10th of March 2024. The Trainers’ Hanson Ngwene und Seth Adjei on Saturday, 9th March introduced the concept of Democracy by discussing and identifying education-based solutions for democracy with the participants. The participants were also encouraged to share the values and beliefs they deem important to foster an inclusive democracy.
The participants were also introduced to gamification and how they can be applied in non-formal education. They had fun while practicing gamifications by playing democracy-inspired games (Demogames). Julia Maier also shared some tips on how to purchase train tickets at cheaper prices as it may come in handy for the participants.
On Sunday, 10th March 2024, the programme continued with Anna Oberhauser and Madeleine Macarei discussing with the group the dangers of fake news and how to identify them from real news. Also, participants were introduced to democracy games for kids and how they can be used when organizing workshops for kids. Christian-Friedrich Lohe, the Education Programme Manager of Socio-Political Education at EJBW introduced the new project on Classism and shared some value methods that can be used during workshops with them.
Before the curtains were drawn on this module, Julia Maier once again led the participants to share how certain values are important to them as individuals as well as their impact on democracy.
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 13. March 2024
Dorit Machell is a »Critical Friend« accompanying the project to create a competence profile for specialists in political youth education
Dorit Machell has been invited to be part of the monitoring committee (Critical Friends) of the project »Competence profile for specialists in political youth education« of the Working Group of German Educational Centres (AdB). We are looking forward to working together with Alina Jugenheimer and Nico Schneider from our umbrella organisation.
Further information can be found on the AdB-website.share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 13. March 2024
Event recommendation: Seminar »Practising democracy« at the VHS Weimar
On Sunday, 17 March 2024, from 11:30 a.m., the seminar »Practising democracy – using the Betzavta method« will take place at the Volkshochschule Weimar, led by our project manager Dorit Machell.
What is it about?
The Betzavta approach sees democracy not just as a set of rules, but as a social process in which everyone has to work together on a daily basis. To achieve this, people need the ability to deal with conflicts and to recognise the freedom rights of others despite their different positions.In this course, this is exactly what is practised in the group. It is important that it is not just about exchanging arguments or negotiating compromises, but that the participants’ feelings are also taken into account. Using various open-ended situations, the participants are then asked to develop a solution together. They are also encouraged to deal with contradictory positions, convictions and needs.
Further information and the link to registration: https://www.vhs-weimar.de/programm/politik-gesellschaft/kurs/Demokratie-ueben-nach-der-Betzavta-Methode/24110600
Date: Sunday, 17 March 2024, 11:30 am
Course fee: 25,00 € (or reduced 15,00 €)
Course leader: Dorit Machellshare on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 12. March 2024
New intern in the project »Migrants as youth work professionals«
From 1. March to 18. May 2024, Ekoto Edjoa Stephanie Emmanuelle will be completing an internship in our project. Before starting the internship, she completed a Master’s degree in Law and Political Science, specialising in Public Law, International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Political Processes at the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon. In addition, Stephanie had already completed an internship at the German Association for International Cooperation in Jaude, Cameroon and worked as an educational assistant at the College la baieté in Bastos, Cameroon.
The young woman from Cameroon is looking forward to her time in Weimar. »The EJBW is a renowned organisation that enables me to grow professionally and acquire new skills. For example, I want to learn more about political education. It’s also the perfect opportunity to improve my language skills in German and English,« says Stephanie.
share on Facebook · veröffentlicht am 12. March 2024
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