Module 9 informed about »Democracy«
In Module 9 of the Qualifications Programme, participants were introduced to the concept of Democracy. This module took place on the 9th and 10th of March 2024. The Trainers’ Hanson Ngwene und Seth Adjei on Saturday, 9th March introduced the concept of Democracy by discussing and identifying education-based solutions for democracy with the participants. The participants were also encouraged to share the values and beliefs they deem important to foster an inclusive democracy.
The participants were also introduced to gamification and how they can be applied in non-formal education. They had fun while practicing gamifications by playing democracy-inspired games (Demogames). Julia Maier also shared some tips on how to purchase train tickets at cheaper prices as it may come in handy for the participants.
On Sunday, 10th March 2024, the programme continued with Anna Oberhauser and Madeleine Macarei discussing with the group the dangers of fake news and how to identify them from real news. Also, participants were introduced to democracy games for kids and how they can be used when organizing workshops for kids. Christian-Friedrich Lohe, the Education Programme Manager of Socio-Political Education at EJBW introduced the new project on Classism and shared some value methods that can be used during workshops with them.
Before the curtains were drawn on this module, Julia Maier once again led the participants to share how certain values are important to them as individuals as well as their impact on democracy.
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