Educational Projects for Specialists 2022, german
Every year the EJBW holds on average 140 events, including conferences, meeting and educational projects, or around 430 days in total. The educational programme is aimed at young people as well as adults and engages with key educational and socio-political topics.
Here you will find the overview of all of the EJBW’s events, from open programmes for school classes, young people and skilled professionals to corporate co-operation events. You can quickly and easily find meetings that are relevant to you by using the filter function and search criteria.
If you are interested in co-operation events of all kinds at the EJBW, you will find more information under Co-operating.
Anti-Bias Training: Umgang mit Diskriminierung (online)
Weiterbildungsreihe für Multiplikator*innen (Vertiefungskurs)
04. – 06. February 2022
Anti-Bias Training: Umgang mit Diskriminierung
Weiterbildungsreihe für Multiplikator*innen (Grundkurs)
11. – 13. February 2022
Anti-Bias Training: Umgang mit Diskriminierung
Weiterbildungsreihe für Multiplikator*innen (Aufbaukurs)
11. – 13. March 2022
Anti-Bias Training: Umgang mit Diskriminierung
Weiterbildungsreihe für Multiplikator*innen (Nachholtermin Aufbaukurs)
29. April – 01. May 2022
Anti Bias Vernetzungstreffen 2022
Vernetzung schafft Veränderung
09. – 11. December 2022