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Snapshot Project Leuven/​Belgium

Seminar for youngsters (cooperation event)

15. – 20. March 2020

exclusive project


Pupils from different schools in Leuven (Belgium) will be in Weimar for this course. The central theme is the question in which way the historically different ideas of man have influenced people’s lives – and what meaning this idea’s creation can have nowadays and in future. How do we want to live together, what is important to us and what idea of man do we have? With the help of for example graphics, videoinstallations, dance, theater or photographs the outcomes of the project will be put on record. An exhibition will be prepared and publicly presented in the city of Leuven afterwards.

Offer for

Youngsters from Leuven (Belgium)




Joachim König (Gedenkstätte Buchenwald), Felix Zühlsdorf (Klassik Stiftung Weimar), Dr. Frank König (EJBW)


Stadt Leuven (Belgien), Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Gedenkstätte Buchenwald


Seminar language is English.