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Human Rights Education. Career Entry to the Field of Political Education & Youth Work

Qualification program (within the framework of the project "Migrants as Youth Work Professionals: Qualification, Empowerment, Educational offers in Rural Areas")

13. October 2023 – 12. May 2024

german, english

We want to empower young people to start a professional career in the field of Human Rights Education, Civic Education and Youth Work. We want to provide participants with a comprehensive training consisting of 11 modules, additional online learning, with work opportunities to acquire practical experience, with internships and career coaching. We particularly encourage refugees, migrant and post-migrant persons, BiPoC (Black and Indigenous People/​People of Colour), queer persons, members of minorities, persons with disabilities and generally all persons with experiences of discrimination to apply.

Your Profile

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The Training Programme

The seminars will take place Saturdays from 10am to 6pm and on Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm.

At every seminar we will

Modules of the Qualification program

Kick-off meeting, 13. October 2023
Introduction to the Qualification Programme

Module 1: Human Rights, 14. – 15. October 2023
Introduction to Human Rights Education: history and goals

Module 2: Understanding and Designing Learning Processes, 28. – 29. October 2023
Approaches to non-formal education, learning theories and pedagogical attitudes

Module 3: Identity, Diversity & Power Structures, 11. – 12. November 2023
Addressing concepts of identity, culture and diversity; gender diversity

Module 4: Educational Work in Anti-Discrimination, 25. – 26. November 2023
Forms and factors of discrimination, intersectionality, educational approaches in anti-discrimination and racism

Module 5: Develop your own Workshops!, 09. – 10. December 2023
Target group oriented design of workshops and facilitation techniques

Module 6: Migration, 13. -14. January 2024
Concepts and methods in the context of migration and refuge, biography work

Module 7: Working in Civic Education, 03. – 04. February 2024
Communication in seminars, seminar room design, working with cities & project management

Module 8: Postcolonialities, 17. – 18. February 2024
Postcolonial perspectives, racism & colonialism

Module 9: Democracy, 09. – 10. March 2024
Global perspectives on democracy, democratic education approaches; democracy games for youths

Module 10: Empowerment & Allyship, 06. – 07. April 2024
Possibilities and limits of empowerment and allyship: self-awareness, reflection and implementation possibilities in Civic Education

Module 11: Build Your Network!, 11. – 12. May 2024
Professional development; organisations and practitioners from Human Rights Education /​ Civic Education and youth work introduce themselves

There are also opportunities for first practical experiences.

More information about the program will soon be available in the Flyer (in the download section under the menu item »Information«).


EJBW, Weimar


Dorit Machell, Tariq Mian, Gifty Nyame Tabiri (EJBW)
as well as experts in various areas of the program


To participate in the qualification programme, please apply via the online form by August 31, 2023.

Participation Fee

Participation costs 100 Euro. Travel costs to the seminar location can be covered to an amount of 50 EUR per module. Meals and, if necessary, accommodation will be provided.


All participants receive an individual and detailed certificate at the end of the programme. This requires:

In addition, participants have the opportunity to gain an insight into the work of the EJBW and into project management and to receive freelance work offers.

The events take place within the framework of the project »Migrants as professionals in youth work: Qualification, empowerment, educational offers for rural areas«. It is part of the Federal Ministry »Demokratie leben!« by the Ministry of Family, Elderly Women and Youth). The project is also supported by the Thüringen Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports as part of their initiative »denkbunt – für Demokratie, Toleranz und Weltoffenheit«.

Human Rights Education. Career Entry to the Field of Political Education & Youth Work

Qualification program (within the framework of the project "Migrants as Youth Work Professionals: Qualification, Empowerment, Educational offers in Rural Areas")

13. October 2023 – 12. May 2024

german, english


*mandatory fields

My Data

date of birth



Postal address

billing address

Is the invoice address different from the postal address above?

Please note that we charge a fee of €10 for a subsequent change of address on your invoice.


Accommodation for underage persons in double or triple bedrooms.

Adult participants:

If unchecked, accomodation will be in double or triple bedrooms.


Photo and video approval

Announcements about seminars and other events

Mandatory statements

Please review and accept our terms of service and data protection statement before submitting.