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Decolonise civic education!

Colonialism, neo-colonialism and decoloniality from the perspective of formerly colonised countries.

17. – 19. November 2023


The EJBW offers a two-part training programme for people interested in and for actors in the field of colonialism. It is organised in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb).

Aims and contents

Are you interested or are you already active in this field? Would you like to deepen and broaden your knowledge, not only from a German perspective, but especially from a non-German, non-European, global or BIPoC perspective? (BIPoC stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour). Would you like to learn more about colonialism from the perspective of colonised people and how this history interweaves with German and European colonial histories?

The training programme offers the opportunity to learn, exchange knowledge, network and develop ideas for your own educational programmes that can be carried out in schools, for example. The academy is bilingual in German and English.


European Youth Education and Youth Meeting Centre Weimar (EJBW)

Part 1: 20–22.10.2023
Part 2: 17–19.11–2023

Project management

Gifty Nyame Tabiri
Project Manager

Keynote speakers of the programme:
Peggy Piesche (bpb), Iris Rajanayagam (bpb) and others.


Registration deadline: 29.09.2023
Places are limited. Please register as early as possible to secure your place.
The registration applies to both weekends.


Seminar languages are English and possibly German.


For both weekends
For early registration until 31.08.2023: 200,00€
For registration after 31.08.2023: 260,00€

For one of the two weekends
For early registration until 31.08.2023: 130,00€
For registration after 31.08.2023: 190,00€


The complete programme of the weekends will be available at the beginning of September. We reserve the right to make changes.

Decolonise civic education!

Colonialism, neo-colonialism and decoloniality from the perspective of formerly colonised countries.

17. – 19. November 2023



*mandatory fields

My Data

date of birth

Postal address

billing address

Is the invoice address different from the postal address above?

Please note that we charge a fee of €10 for a subsequent change of address on your invoice.


Accommodation for underage persons in double or triple bedrooms.

Adult participants:

If unchecked, accomodation will be in double or triple bedrooms.


Photo and video approval

Announcements about seminars and other events

Mandatory statements

Please review and accept our terms of service and data protection statement before submitting.