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Visualizing Diversity

"Discrimination Critical Flipchart Design."

03. December 2022, 10.00

exclusive project

german, english

This workshop is open and free of charge for all participants of the EJBW Train-the-Trainer & Qualification Program (all years).

Have you always wondered how to create beautiful and appealing flipcharts for your workshops? How to present complex topics in a visual and understandable way? Would you like to explore together how we can use symbols without reinforcing stereotypes and normative views? Do you want to try out how we can reuse posters? Then bring your ideas, questions and your favourite pen!

On 3 December at EJBW we will first look at the basics of visualisation: pens, fonts, container, layout as well as the tips and tricks of design.
In the second part, we will consider together how to design visualisation based on simplification in a diverse and discrimination-sensitive way.

We will try out and experiment a lot and look forward to seeing you!




Dorit Machell


English and Deutch


This workshop is open and free of charge for all participants of the EJBW Train-the-Trainer & Qualification Programme (all years).

Visualizing Diversity

"Discrimination Critical Flipchart Design."

03. December 2022, 10.00

exclusive project

german, english


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Accommodation for underage persons in double or triple bedrooms.

Adult participants:

If unchecked, accomodation will be in double or triple bedrooms.


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