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Bildungsangebote /​ Foto: Henry Sowinski
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Interactive walk through Weimar on the topics of colonialism, refuge & racism

Time required: 2 to 3 hours
Age group: from 13 years
Previous knowledge: none
Topics: Colonialism, flight & discrimination


Every day, we move through the places where we live, go to school or work. We perceive our surroundings through our very own lens. The interactive city walk through Weimar invites you to put on new glasses and discover how the topics of flight, colonialism and racism are symbolised in the cityscape by street names or buildings.
Through interactive methods at various locations in the city, the connection between these topics – as well as their relevance for us and our society – will be reflected upon.



Starting at Weimar Central Station, 4 to 5 places will be visited together, where different approaches will be used to encourage discussion of the various topics. Based on short inputs on the respective stations and the interactive exercises, the aim is to support individual reflection on the one hand and discussion between the participants on the other.
At the end of the walk, the focus is placed on getting active, e.g. through a chalk activity in a public place.

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