Friederike Hobein
Friederike Hobein // Foto: Thomas Müller
Friederike Hobein was born in Weimar and is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Empowerment Studies at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. Growing up in Weimar, with its complex and ambivalent history, awakened her interest in political issues and unjust or violent social conditions in the past and present.
Since 2018, she has been active in civic education work through various initiatives and associations, such as BUNDjugend NRW. In particular, she has organized city walks, school project days and workshops on colonialism, flight and racism. She took part in the »train the trainer« program in 2018 and has been working as a freelance trainer at the EJBW ever since.
In her civic education work, Friederike Hobein aims to create needs-oriented, discrimination-sensitive and emancipatory learning processes in which empowerment processes are initiated by learning about social problems and reflecting on one’s own privileges and options for action. For them, this is a way to become active against power relations such as racism, sexism, etc., to support political participation, especially among young people, and to create a safe and appreciative living space worth living in for everyone.
Her workshops are available both digitally and in person and include numerous interactive methods for reflecting on social structures and personal positioning as well as varied opportunities for self-activity and exchange. The offers can be flexibly adapted to the participants’ previous knowledge, experience and wishes, as it is very important to Friederike to make her offers as accessible as possible.
Friederike Hobein offers her workshops and seminars in German and English.