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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Manu R. Schabel

The social theorist Manu R. Schabel (they/​them) is primarily concerned with the major topics of social inequality and justice. The main sub-areas for educational work are classism, racism (also: white saviorism, critical whiteness, allyship), anti-semitism & conspiracy thinking, sexism & sexualized violence, diversity, queerness and empowerment.

In addition to subject-related work, other formats of moderation, consulting and organizational development are also possible. We are also happy to work on specific topics, such as How can I make my organization sustainably critical of racism?

Promoting and developing tolerance for ambiguity is essential for Manu’s work. After all, democracy can only work if complexity and incomprehension are endured and confronted in a joint effort. Emotionality plays a major role here – how can we negotiate major social emotions, how do I feel in relation to certain topics and is there such a thing as false emotions?

A central question in hen’s work is also the question of the good life for all: What can it look like? And how can it be fought for? That’s why a particular focus is on communicating and exploring democratic ideas (grassroots democratic/​radical democratic/​liberal).

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Manu R. Schabel