Miriam Kaiser
Miriam Kaiser
Miriam Kaiser is studying Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Tampere, Finland (as of 2021). Previously, she completed a bachelor’s degree in International Relations in Erfurt. In 2018, she participated in the EJBW’s Train-the-Trainer program and has since been active as an independent trainer.
Miriam’s workshops range across the topics of human rights, (global) inequality, and sustainable development. Since the beginning of the COVID19 pandemic, she has also been working intensively on how interactive methods and free learning processes can be implemented in digital spaces.
As a trainer, Miriam wants to create spaces for dialogue and encounters. Many of her workshops circle the question, »What kind of society do we want to live in?«. They offer the opportunity to deconstruct the status quo, indulge in utopias and test out one’s own spaces for action.
Miriam Kaiser offers her workshops in English and German.
Miriam Kaiser
Roller Derby: Queerer Feminismus, Empowerment und Inklusion im organisierten Sport
Unart – eine Kunstaktion gegen Alltagsdiskriminierung
Von Energizer bis Etherpad – Experimentieren mit Onlinetools #1
Von Wonder bis Vialogue – Experimentieren mit Onlinetools #2
Zwischen #Hambibleibt und “Where the hell is global warming when you need it?” (@realDonaldTrump) – Die Ideengeschichte von Mensch und Natur in der politischen Arena