Michelle Chávez
Michelle Chavez
Her engagement in human rights issues began during her law studies in the home country Nicaragua which led she to work for non-governmental organizations active in this field. Working with grassroots community organizers and the participation in research on human rights violations awakened in her the need to further her education in other areas.
For this reason, Michelle studied a master’s degree in political science at the Duisburg-Essen (UDE) University. During the master’s studies, she was able to acquire knowledge of Governance and sustainable development.
In spring 2018, she had the opportunity to participate in the advanced training program at EJBW. Since then she has not only been working as a freelance trainer, but she has also been participating in different trainings and networking events to enhance her knowledge of pedagogical methods and to exchange ideas and experiences. Because non-formal education is a lifelong learning process, she is convinced that civic education is a useful tool to advocate and protect human rights through anti-discrimination and empowerment methods.
Therefore, she offers Workshops to reflect and discuss topics such as racism and sexism from an intersectional perspective and facilitate spaces to debate about current events related to democracy and political participation. In the Workshops she uses experiential methodology that enables deep reflection of one’s surroundings, preconceptions and possible courses of action.
Michelle Chávez offers the workshops in English, German and Spanish.