Krystina Kamp
Krystina Kamp (Photo: private)
After studying European ethnology and German literature, she completed her BA in Catholic theology at the Albrecht Ludwigs University in Freiburg. She was a trainer for »Mutige Mädchen«, a project for the prevention of sexualised violence and, as a research assistant at the Institute for Psychosomatic Medicine, taught medical students basic communicative skills. At MiKK e.V. she gained insights into the basics of mediation (in the field of child abduction) during an internship. Through her work at the Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque, she is fundamentally familiar with the intersection of Islam and diversity.
Her motivation and interests lie in the exchange and dialogue between people, groups and minorities and the recognition that groups often exist in order to serve ones own identity and the individuals own understanding of reality. Many problems, grievances and prejudices are due to ignorance and strangeness and can/could be remedied through education and getting to know one another.
Since September 2020, she has been an EJBW trainer in training.
Krystina Kamp offers workshops in German and English.