Moritz Borchardt
Moritz Borchardt (Photo: private)
Moritz Borchardt is a social scientist by training, and works as a project manager, facilitator, and occasional university lecturer.
»In this still very young century, we have come to face with crises and challenges only few of us saw coming, with ever more seemingly populating the horizon. In moments like this we need everyone’s voice to be heard and perspective to be included in the public discourse. One key arbiter of this awareness and integration is the field of education, and particularly the education of civics and human rights. The inclusion and active promotion of diverse voices in this field is fundamentally necessary, as is the prospect of more folks from minority backgrounds being seen as teachers and experts.
Societally, this project and course addresses that need directly, while on the individual level it offers a great opportunity for professional development, both of which makes me very happy to be involved with the project, even to the limited extent that I am.«