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Margaux Richet

Since 2005 Margaux has been working as an intercultural trainer-facilitator and conference moderator in the field of political education in Germany, Europe and internationally. She has also been performing as a storyteller since 2020. Her academic background includes the following areas: International Business, Humanitarian and Social Management, Geopolitics and History of Art.

How did she get into the field of civic education? Margaux did an EVS (European Voluntary Service) in an educational circus in Berlin in 2004 and says the following about this time: »During my seminars (as a volunteer) I got to know the work of trainers and was thrilled! I then continued my education the following year. In 2005, I worked as a trainer for the Berliner Arbeitskreis für politische Bildung (Bapob e.V.) as part of the »Arbeit beim Partner« (Work with a Partner) programme run by the French-German Youth Office. I learned and worked in the field at the same time. Since then I have been working as a freelance intercultural trainer with young people and adults in cooperation with educational centres, civil society organisations, foundations or national/​international educational programmes.«

What topics do you work on? The topics that she has been interested in for years in the field of lifelong learning, human rights and non-formal civic education are the following: intercultural competences and communication, multilingualism, diversity, inclusion and participation, discrimination and intersectionality, anti-racist educational work and civil courage, conspiracy theories and critical thinking, history (e.g. origins of the colonial era, colonial period, Nazism, post-colonial societies).

How does she want to shape education? Her pedagogical approach is holistic, interactive, hands-on and body-oriented. She draws her inspiration for creative methods tailored to my topics and target groups from both the field of international non-formal education, the language animation world and from various artistic practices (theatre, dance, storytelling, music, art …).

With her work she wants to contribute to creating bridges of understanding and connection between people. The aim is a society that offers everyone a space to blossom freely and serenely in order to develop their full potential to find innovative solutions to the challenges of our time.

More information about her work can be found here: or on LinkedIn.

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