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Dorit Machell

Dorit Machell is a cultural scientist (MA.) and studied Media Culture and International Relations, as well as Media Management in Weimar and Malmö (Sweden). She has completed various trainings in human rights education, European non-formal education, sustainability education, dialogue facilitation, online facilitation, non-violent communication, design thinking and coaching as well as Noah Sow Academy’s further training course »Successfully organising critical of racism« and courses on barrier-free organising. Dorit is a Fellow of the FutureLab Europe Programme (Robert Bosch Foundation/​Körber Foundation).

Dorit Machell has been working as an educational consultant, learning process facilitator and project coordinator in European non-formal adult education since 2011. Since 2017, her focus has been on human rights education and the further training of professionals as well as organisations. In her work, she explores the question of how we can make education as well as organizational processes democratic, critical of power and sensitive to diversity and discrimination. Since the beginning of 2020, Dorit has been coordinating the project »Migrants as Youth Workers« at the EJBW Weimar as a full-time project manager and plans, designs and moderates the qualification programme in civic education. Dorit particularly enjoys the opportunity to work so intensively, individually and holistically with the group and to accompany them in the qualification programme at the EJBW. Growing together on and with the project gives her a lot of strength.

Dorit has lived in Germany, Iceland, Sweden and Canada and has now been enjoying life in Weimar with her bilingual and bi-national family for a decade. From Weimar, Dorit works across Europe.

Dorit’s guiding questions are: How do we want to work and learn together? How can we transfer the values of human rights to education without compromise? How do we shape education in a way that is critical of discrimination?

Dorit is currently working on the concept of social justice, adultism, ableism, classism and the organisational form of sociocracy.

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