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Bildungsangebote /​ Foto: Henry Sowinski
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How to Design a Workshop

Time required: 4 to 40 hours (multi-day event)
Target group: young people & adults


A workshop is a format in which a small or larger group (approx. 8 to 35 people) come together to work on a specific topic. This can take place on a more theoretical and philosophical level or be very practical. It is also possible that this is followed by concrete project planning. A workshop should always be participative and offer a space for exchange and learning. Creating this space requires various skills, tools and an examination of one’s own attitude.


Practical and interactive workshop design options are taught. I am also happy to work with the participants on a specific topic and provide support in developing a concept (including mentorship until after implementation).


The aim is to enable participants to design and conduct workshops freely and on various topics.


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