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Bildungsangebote /​ Foto: Henry Sowinski
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Colonialism history in Congo

Age range : from 14 years old
Previous knowledge : none
Themes: Colonialism history in Congo, imperialism, roles of actors in the plundering of resources, racism, colonial legacy and neo-colonialism.


During the second half of the 19th century, Europe was marked by the expansion of colonialist ideology carried by colonial movements, claiming to carry a civilizing mission towards the rest of the world. In this perspective, the European leaders of the time, carried by the wind that would prove to be imperialist, met in Berlin to share out the land, especially in Africa. In order to get their way, these Western leaders had established a purely colonial system of administration based on domination and exploitation.
For a time, owning a colony was seen as a symbol of national power until it was classified after World War II as an inhumane and debasing movement.
In the years that followed, the African continent experienced a wave of independence, giving rise to independent states headed by leaders from local communities.
The former colonial powers, faced with the evidence of independence of the former colonies and therefore the end of the manna from the predation of the resources of the colonies, another plan was concocted to continue to exercise domination and exploit the resources of the former colonies. This is neo-colonialism.


This workshop aims to deconstruct the prejudices that circulate on the causes of the delay in development of less advanced countries, the truth about the causes of immigration of young Africans who at the risk of their lives, decide to cross the desert and the sea in very difficult conditions to reach Europe.
It also aims to raise awareness about our individual responsibilities and our commitment as citizens.


To achieve our goal, we will mobilize several methods of interactive exchanges and analyze in practical case, the colonial and post-colonial history of the Democratic Republic of Congo to explain the existing connection between colonialism before independence and neo-colonialism currently practiced by multinationals.


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