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Bildungsangebote /​ Foto: Henry Sowinski
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The Special case of black racial discrimination and building a good ally for black matters

Age group: youth between the ages of 12 and 18


Over the past 400 years, Black nations have been subjected to racial aggression by the European colonial nations. What started as exploration degenerated into trade with humans, then to the conquering of regions and the founding of colonial areas. To justify these inhuman acts, the theory of race was developed, which gives the foundation to the issue of racism that Black people and other people of colour face to date. Today experts in the field no longer accept the idea of race, but has this put an end to racism? Do Black people or people of colour no longer suffer racial discrimination from white dominant societies like Germany in the 21st century? If they do, how can an ally be built to counter and make the new racist tactic visible in society?


Our Workshop will give a short insight to the history of colonization and racism in Black nations, a chance to reflect on European socialization in terms of racial framing, and steps to becoming a good ally against racism.


The workshop is aimed at achieving three goals:

  1. Help the participants reflect on their racial socialization.
  2. Identify implicit racism or bias.
  3. Know what a good ally is and take position.

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