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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Yaa Serwaa-Sarpong

Yaa Serwaa-Sarpong was born in Ghana and is currently studying for an MA in Religious Studies at the University of Erfurt. Yaa’s professional experience includes working with non-profit organisations in Ghana and the US that focus on education. She has also worked with Berea College, Kentucky, on their summer study abroad programme where students and faculty learned about and experienced the rich Ghanaian culture.

She believes that a strong sense of cultural identity is essential to fostering social cohesion and empowering individuals to actively participate in positive social change. Yaa is particularly interested in issues of identity, culture, empowerment and allyship. She is committed to promoting inclusive civic education initiatives that celebrate the uniqueness of diversity while encouraging dialogue and collaboration across communities.

Yaa’s approach to civic education is rooted in empathy, respect and collaboration. She understands that meaningful social change requires building bridges and forging alliances across lines of difference. She is committed to creating safe and inclusive spaces where people from all backgrounds can come together to learn, share experiences and work towards common goals. She believes that by standing in solidarity with one another, we can create a more just and equitable society for all.

Outside of professional pursuits, Yaa is a comic book enthusiast and flirts with the idea of writing her own comic books. She loves to dance and will be the first to tell you that she’s not the best. She is also a foodie who loves to experience different cultures through food and travel.

Yaa offers Workshops in English on the topics of Identity, Diversity, Empowerment and Allyship.

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