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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Tariq Mian

Tariq Mian is a sociologist and works as a violence prevention trainer. A deep interest in socio-political issues and the desire to bring about change on a small scale led him to political education.

Tariq is very interested in the question of the cause of misanthropic ideologies. He is particularly interested in the often neglected economic perspective and the question of what links our economic system to these ideologies.
His other passion is sport, especially various types of martial arts. He sees the topic of empowerment in particular as an opportunity to combine these two passions and bring the experience he has gained as a trainer and coach in sport to political education.

He is particularly interested in trying to combine the areas of violence prevention and political education. Violence prevention can benefit from a socio-critical perspective. Violence prevention, on the other hand, provides political education with valuable practical impulses.

Tariq works on the following topics: anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories, work, meritocracy and classism, right-wing extremism, empowerment and self-assertion. For his educational approach, it is important to him to find a good balance between imparting knowledge and activating existing knowledge. He also sees an important challenge in dealing with complex topics in a way that is as accessible and understandable as possible. Without becoming superficial or oversimplifying complex and perhaps contradictory contexts.

He offers his workshops in German and English. The Leipzig native can work nationwide.

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Tariq Mian