Seth Collins Adjei
Seth Collins Adjei (Photo: Katherin Gutierrez)
Born, raised, and educated in Ghana. Seth Adjei is an M.A. International Social Science student at Friedensau Adventist University in Saxony Anhalt with focus on migrants’ lived experience in their host country. His professional and lived experience in Africa, South America and now Europe make him open and culturally diverse.
He is actively involved in participating and giving inputs in STUBE OST Germany workshops on civil peace service, Human Rights, and sustainability topics for migrant’s students in Germany. Seth is passionate about egalitarian agenda or project. Has worked with UNESCO Germany in organising intercultural learning workshop for high school students in addressing culture relativism as well as promoting inclusion.
As a civic educator, Seth uses non-formal approach in organising and discussing current local, national, and international issues which young people view as important to their lives. Seth facilitates workshops on colonialism, neo colonialism, and migration. He uses historical approach, storytelling, dynamism, and creative activities to get the context to participants as well as providing a healthy space for participant reflections. Something interesting about Seth is that he is open to listening, and exchanging knowledge on civic education issues that promotes democracy.
He offers workshops in English and Spanish or Germany when necessary.
Seth Collins Adjei
Breaking Barriers: Empowering migrant’s students in Germany through 21st century Skills learning.
Intercultural learning: Addressing culture relativism / unpacking participant prejudice ideas
Colonisation and Neo- colonialism in Ghana: How aid is used as tool for neo colonialism and its impact on Ghana
Speak Without Words: Mastering Body Language in Workshops