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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Nadia v. Heyden

Nadia v. Heyden studied Cultural and Social Anthropology at the FU Berlin and International Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. She currently works full-time in teaching and research at the Erfurt University of Applied Sciences on the topic of »Diversity in Thuringian daycare centers« and »prejudice-conscious education and upbringing«.

How did she get into civic education? She was already involved with human rights education and anti-discrimination perspectives during her Master’s degree course. Since then, she has completed many training courses at various educational institutions, e.g. the EJBW, interculture e.V. Jena, the German Institute for Human Rights Berlin, ZEOK e.V. Leipzig and the Anti Bias Network.

Nadia’s thematic focus is on

She currently lives in Weimar. She can also conduct her workshops in Erfurt, Jena and throughout Thuringia. She would also work throughout Germany for longer educational programs.

Nadia offers her workshops in German and English.

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