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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Marina Fortuno Orestano

Marina is an educator from Mexico, who is currently based in Weimar. She completed a BA in Strategic Communication in Mexico City and a MSc in International Public Policy in London. Her passion is to combine communication, psychology and research to reimagine solutions for social and political challenges.

Because of her background working in civil society in Mexico and her experience in different countries, she is interested in helping to counteract apathy and encourage more active and empathic participation in politics around the world.

The topics of her workshops are related to political communication and strategies (e.g. populism), the power of emotions in politics, civic participation and social polarization. Her methods include a mix of theory and interactive learning, focusing on conversation, imagination and shared knowledge.

Marina speaks English and Spanish and offers workshops in both languages.

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Marina Fortuno Orestano