Lovis Collas
Lovis Collas // Foto: Thomas Müller
Lovis Collas works as a political educator in various formats – with young people and adults, with various initiatives and organisations. She studied Social Theory (M.A.) in Jena and became interested in political education work during her studies in 2020. She gained her first experience in organising workshops on inhuman attitudes, racism and classism as part of the Netzwerk für Demokratie und Courage e.V. (Network for Democracy and Courage). By participating in the EJBW’s »train the trainer« programme, she has been supporting the EJBW as a freelance trainer since September 2020.
For Lovis, the question of a good life for all is what drives her – and her focus is on dealing with forms of discrimination, group-based misanthropy and the corresponding power relations. The aim is not to stop at criticising individuals, but to look at the situation as a whole, formulate appropriate criticism and demands for change and engage in dialogue. Her working languages are German and English.