Laleh Anbari
Laleh Anbari (Photo: Katherin Gutierrez)
Laleh is 36 years old and she comes from Iran. Graduating with her master’s degree in architecture in Iran, she has long been also an activist in different fields, including urbanism, right to the city, and politics. She has been living in Weimar, Germany, since Nov. 2019.
From a very early age, Laleh has been interested in social matters and politics. As a teenager, it was more of a big curiosity, which turned into being more involved in many volunteer activities, as she grew up. Working with NGOs, campaigning for political and social causes, participating in study groups to raise my knowledge, and so on.
When the »Woman, life, freedom« movement emerged in Iran, she was deeply touched by it in so many different levels and took part in the activities connected to it. The common attraction of the Iranian community to the cause, draw them together and they could shape and make networks in Germany, like other Iranians in other parts of the world. She became part of the organizing team for demos, events, and other connected activities.
She considers herself an intersectional feminist, and political activist who is also interested in sociology, and critical thinking. Eager to see the world we live in a better place, she does what she can, to be the change she want to see.
The topics Laleh can offer are all connected to her personal experience and background, and studies. They include the politics of Iran, feminism in Iran and the middle east, any topic related to the ›Woman, Life; Freedom‹ movement, the politics of Europe in relationship with the middle east, war and peace.
Laleh can offer these topics in English and Persian (for Iranian and Afghan people). She is still working on her German skills, and she hopes she will be able to offer workshops in german too, but for now, she still have to work on that.