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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Kim Treude

Kim Treude is a freelance civic education trainer and art educator. She works in workshops and multi-day seminars with teenagers and young adults on the topics of Weimar, democracy and power, discrimination and right-wing radicalism. Kim also regularly organizes educational seminars for (international) volunteer services (FSJ Politics, European Solidarity Corps, Culture-Wide).

She first came into contact with the field of non-formal education during her voluntary service at the Goethe-Institute Sri Lanka in 2017. She then started volunteering for the Netzwerk für Demokratie und Courage e.V. (Network for Democracy and Courage). In addition to her qualification at the EJBW 2019/​20, Kim continues to take part in further and advanced training courses to expand her pedagogical skills and set of methods.

With her offerings, she aims to initiate thinking and learning processes that create an awareness sensitive to discrimination, the ability to reflect critically and experiences of self-efficacy and political participation. To this end, it is important to her to create spaces in which people can meet at eye level, work through the topics themselves using interactive methods and learn with fun and curiosity.

Kim Treude offers workshops in German and English. Her offers are both digital and face-to-face and are practice-oriented. She currently lives in Leipzig and is willing to work nationwide for multi-day offers.

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Kim Treude