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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Eva Rost

Eva Rost was born in Nigeria and grew up in Germany.
In addition to her job as an educator in Hamburg, she has become increasingly involved in political education and anti-discrimination work in recent years. Intersectionality is a particularly important topic for her. She currently works for Green Kitas in Berlin.

She is always fascinated by how receptive children and young people are to the preservation of the world around them, how creatively they develop their own ideas and draw conclusions for their lives.
In 2018, she successfully completed the multiplier training course »Qualification series for development education work and global learning« organized by the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg with a certificate. This training enabled her to run workshops together with Bread for the World.

This in-depth examination once again shaped her values and attitudes. Not only has her view of everyday life and society changed as a result, but also her view of her work.

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Eva Rost