Ekram Al Dukan
Ekram Al Dukan (Foto: Thomas Müller)
Ekram Al Dukan is in training at EJBW since summer 2020. She is interested in a form of interactive and motivational pedagogy where the one who passes on their knowledge puts themselves on the same level as the one who receives it, where the one who guides others to think together does so with passion for its own work.
Ekram took part in the training of EJBW to be able to exchange with young people about different topics that move her and wants to offer workshops, especially on the topic of stereotypes and interpretations that she is confronted with in Germany. Her perspective questions the clichés and prejudices that form in a society and are often imposed on individuals. She holds up a sometimes amused, sometimes strongly critical mirror to the experiences she has had and transforms these experiences in the workshop she offers to open one’s eyes and become more curious about the other, their history, their values, their uniqueness and their diversity.
Having grown up in Syria and now living in Germany, she has a dual perspective on her subjects and can navigate between these perspectives.
She can propose her workshops in Arabic and German. Through her approach to the subject and her creative spirit, she contributes to nurturing dialogue between cultures.