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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Caroline Ellenberger

Caroline Ellenberger studied »Sociology« in her Bachelor’s degree and completed the »Applied Ethics« course with a Master’s degree. »Intercultural philosophy« was the subject of her master’s thesis.
She lives in Jena and enjoys volunteering for various associations and organizations. It was here that she realized how much she cares about intercultural encounters. She is the network coordinator of the Thuringian anti-discrimination network and deputy chairwoman of the »Democracy without Barriers« association. She runs the »Start with a friend« group in Jena on a voluntary basis.

Intercultural exchange is one of Caroline’s passions, as are laughter yoga and food. The topics she enjoys working on are: Empowerment of people with disability(ies), inclusion and intercultural philosophy. Caroline has a disability herself and knows what difficulties people can face in this regard.

She offers her workshops in German and English.

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Caroline Ellenberger