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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Antonia Ney

Antonia Ney has been working as a freelance moderator and trainer in political youth and adult education since 2017 and is currently studying for a master’s degree in sociology in Jena.

She deals with social power relations/​inequality. Her practice as a political educator focuses on their economic dimension and their impact on the environment, gender and democracy. To this end, she looks with the participants into the past, various present-day situations and into a desirable future.

She currently offers interactive workshops on gender relations in political groups/​youth committees, democracy and anti-democratic parties, as well as on human rights and their violation at the Weimar learning center.
She likes to design her workshops in a participatory, interactive way and (where appropriate) with creative methods. She offers them in German and English.

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Antonia Ney