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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Angelika Heller

After studying education and development policy, Angelika Heller worked for several years in an international NGO in Germany and abroad (regional focus on South/​East Asia and West Africa). Especially through a self-critical reflection of her own role and experiences in the Global South as well as in subsequent educational and participatory projects on anti-racism and working with refugees in Germany, topics of discrimination, racism and power sensitivity in educational and organizational contexts are particularly important to her.

In 2019, Angelika took part in the EJBW’s further education program and in the same year started her own business as a freelance trainer for socio-political education, global and transcultural learning. She works with children, young people and adults.

Angelika is particularly interested in the question of how a good life can be achieved for everyone. Her focus is on issues of social coexistence (including discrimination, racism, conflict resolution, transcultural learning), socio-ecological transformation (solidarity-based lifestyles, sustainable development, internal and external change, empowerment) and a global perspective (including global learning, flight and migration, post-colonialism).
Angelika sees her training courses as a joint learning journey for participants and trainers. This opens up spaces for self-awareness, exchange, reflection and trying out new ways of thinking and behaving. It is important to her to work together in a power-sensitive and appreciative way, in which conflicts are used as an opportunity for development.

Angelika works with experience- and resource-oriented methods, interactive group exercises, but also creative approaches, e.g. through painting, theater, poetry, etc. She is guided by the question of how political education processes can be shaped in a transformative way.

Workshops can be held in person and, for many topics, also digitally. She offers them in German and English. Angelika lives in Erfurt and works primarily in Thuringia, but also nationwide for events lasting several days.

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