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discussion /​/​ Photo: Thomas Müller
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Alimara H.

Born in Syria, Alimara completed his first degree in Art History and Ethnology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and is currently completing his second degree in Psychology at the University of Jena.

He is particularly interested in issues of social (in)justice, identity and cultural diversity. Among these, he places a special focus on the sub-areas of anti-muslim racism and islamophobia, anti-Semitism, transculturality, hybridity, national identity in the context of post-colonial (migrant) society and intergenerational discrepancies in the identity formation of migrant communities.

In the workshops, special emphasis is placed on understanding culture and identity as a dynamic and ongoing process, which can sometimes have ambivalent elements in terms of content, but which in turn offers a new perspective on the significance of ambivalence in the question of coherence. For this reason, Alimara tries to create an atmosphere in the workshops that encourages, supports and empowers questioning.

In addition, perspective taking and empathy play a fundamental role in discussing, deconstructing and strengthening the degree of vulnerability and tolerance towards uncertainty and discomfort. The aim is to reflect on the deviation from so-called ›normality‹, to enable discussion rather than perceiving it as a threat.

Building on theoretical approaches to group dynamics, Alimara tries to create a space with the participants that encourages and enables harmonious and respectful exchange and interaction. Methodologically, Alimara combines the verbal and non-verbal (e.g. through theatrical methods) in order to support a broader potential for expression.

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