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Thon Mabior Jok

Thon Mabior Jok is currently residing in Friedensau, Sachen Anhalt. His educational background includes a Diploma in Education and a Bachelor of Social Work and currently winding up my Master’s degree in Development Studies. Thon worked for nine years as a professional teacher in Kenya before coming to Germany for further studies and additionally worked part-time with the International Chess Federation (FIDE) Chess for Hope project as an instructor.

Thon`s passion is teaching with the focus of migration and discrimination. These two topics have a great connection with his personal history and story. Thon Mabior Jok fled his country Sudan and moved and stayed in Kenya for twenty years where he lived as a registered refugee. The history of discrimination is embedded in Thon`s mind. Many others were forced to leave the country because they were discriminated against and marginalized based on religious and cultural differences.

Thons`s pedagogical approaches are based on cooperative and collaborative techniques. This can be achieved by allowing the groups to work independently and later on using a Think-pair-share strategy. Diversity and inclusion in shaping education: This means that there is a need to incorporate diverse perspectives and cultures into the curriculum to make education more inclusive.

Thon speaks English, Swahili, Dinka and some Arabic and offers workshops mainly in English.

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