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Stephanie Emmanuelle Ekoto Edjoa

Stephanie grew up in Cameroon. Since her early childhood, she has always wanted to have a positive impact on the world and society.
That’s why she started studying law and political science at the University of Yaoundé II – Soa after graduating from high school, which she completed in 2017 with a Bachelor’s degree. In 2019, she also obtained a Master’s degree in law and political science there, specialising in public law.

Alongside her studies, she has also completed internships and jobs to gain more experience. For example, she worked as an intern at GIZ Cameroon as part of the »Good Governance« programme of PRADEC II (Promotion Programme for Local Development II). This is a programme to support and accompany decentralised local authorities in the management of infrastructure and the implementation of government policy – in accordance with the financial law of the year in Cameroon.

She then worked as an educational assistant, who not only supported the children but also worked on workshops on »Against violence at school.

She was eventually selected by the German UNESCO Commission’s Kulturweit Cameroon programme and was given the opportunity to complete a three-month internship at the EJBW. Here she worked on the above-mentioned areas of politics and society, democracy, human rights, European policy, workshop promotion and non-civil education – and learnt a lot.

Stephanie uses dynamics and creative activities to give context to the participants and to create a healthy space for reflection. She offers workshops in German, French and English if required.

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