Salsawit Assefa Kassaye
Salsawit Assefa Kassaye
Salsawit Assefa Kassaye has completed a Master of Arts degree in Manuscript Cultures with a scholarship from Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) in Hamburg. With a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Open Society Foundations (OSF), she completed her second M.A. degree in Public Policy in Erfurt. Salsawit wrote her Master’s thesis on »Labor Market Integration of Immigrants in Germany«. Salsawit studied her third M. A. degree in Gender Studies and B.A. degree in English in Addis Ababa University.
Currently, Salsawit is working as a specialist in Group 7 International Logistics in Hamburg. Previously, she worked as a project assistant in African German Information Center (AGIC). She supported immigrants to get a recognition for their educational and professional qualifications in Germany. In her part-time she also participated in the project »Digital Active Women« and served as a co-resercher at Minor Projektkontor für Bildung und Forschung. Before Salsawit joined the African German Information Center, she did her internship at the Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network (KELIN). Before that, she worked as a junior trainer for the Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar (EJBW). She organized training for students on migration, human rights, climate change, new nationalism and xenophobia. She also took part in the »Train-the Trainer-Program« and completed a training course on human rights with a focus on migration, refugee and asylum. Salsawit also completed an internship in Dachverband der Migrantinnenorganisationen (DaMIGRA).
Before Salsawit came to Germany, she worked as a consultant and researcher at the Ethiopian Civil Service University, where she contributed to important research on human rights and social justice. Salsawit has conducted numerous research projects and presented conference papers in Germany, Poland, France and Ethiopia. She has also organized and conducted training for youth and women in Ethiopia on human rights, gender-based violence, women empowerment and gender equality.