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Qassem Alhomayyer

Qassem Alhomayyer is studying »Social Work (B.A.)« at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences and has been working in extracurricular and civic education since 2018.
He became a refugee at the age of 17 and arrived in Germany at the end of 2015. Since 2015, he has lived in different cities in Germany: Leverkusen, Mannheim, Essen and (since 2021) Leipzig.

Qassem is actively involved in society. He was an actor in the project »Empowered by Democracy« and also part of the online campaign »Generation Grenzenlos«. In 2022/​23 he took part in the EJBW qualification program and is part of the trainer network.

Qassem works on the following topics:

In his workshops, Qassem attaches great importance to peer2peer education and sees himself as part of the group, with whom he wants to decide together what is important for them. He enjoys working in teams. A critical view of topics is very important to him in seminar work. He is therefore interested in formats that enable an exchange in learning spaces and incorporate a wide variety of perspectives. He also likes to work methodically with movement and dance as well as biographical exercises and storytelling.

Qassem enjoys traveling and offers workshops especially in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, NRW, but also nationwide. He conducts his workshops in German, English and Arabic.

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Qassem Alhomayyer