Muhiz Ogunwomoju
Muhiz Ogunwomoju / Photo: privat
Muhiz Ogunwomoju is a cultural heritage and storytelling enthusiast. In 2016, he participated in the first train-the-trainer program on non-formal Civic Education at EJBW. After a successful training at EJBW, he began to facilitate different seminars and workshops for youngsters in Germany and Italy on Human Rights, Migration, Post-Colonialism, Global Education, and Storytelling—using non-formal pedagogical resources.
Muhiz offers workshop on Storytelling: The Power of Narrative. He believes storytelling is like a double-edged sword, depending on what we use it for. It could save lives and it could do otherwise.
The aim of the workshop is to use storytelling as a tool to understanding narrative in political, social, and cultural spaces, and its effects on us. This could mean confronting social issues such as identity crisis, racism, stereotypes, prejudice — and human rights.