Liubov Andreeva
Liubov Andreeva
Liubov Andreeva (she/-) studied Educational Science (B.A.) and Education-Culture-Anthropology (M.A.) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. During her studies, she developed a conceptual toolbox for understanding social structures and classifying current developments. This is how she came to political education. What has preoccupied her ever since is the question of how society always permeates the everyday, bodies and imaginary spaces. She is interested in looking at one’s own biography, experiences and everything that opens up opportunities for social change.
She has experience in museum education and socio-cultural work (Jena City Museum, traveling exhibition Open Process), global learning/education for sustainable development, project work, adult education and university teaching. She has worked with different target groups in various locations, such as schools, youth clubs, cultural buses, women’s prisons and urban spaces. In addition to her independent pedagogical and artistic work, she is currently training as a dance instructor for mixed-abled contemporary dance at Tanzlabor Leipzig.
What topics is she working on? Liubov is interested in and works on responsible, community-oriented self-determination. Workshops on the topics can focus on the following areas, for example: Participation and consensus (e.g. Let’s talk about sex), digital emancipation and democratic digitalization (e.g. »Determine who knows your data!«) and future workshop. Basic workshops on various forms of discrimination, human rights and intersectionality are also available.
Liubov also accompanies groups on topics of political education using theater and dance pedagogical methods, such as techniques of the theater of the oppressed (e.g. »Human rights – coming into action together with forum theater«, as well as exercises on body expression and perception.
What are your pedagogical approaches? Liubov believes it is important to create appreciative, needs-oriented learning spaces that build on participants’ experiences. She sees her role as a political educator in providing support that is critical of power. This also includes exploring together where »one’s own« or »shared« knowledge in the room comes from. She is convinced that it is important not only to convey social issues cognitively, but also to open up different approaches.
Organizational matters: Liubov lives in Leipzig and can work nationwide. Workshops, project days and project weeks can be held in German, English and Russian, and possibly also in French and Spanish (in language tandem). They can take place as face-to-face workshops on site or digitally. The workshops are adapted to the needs and requirements of the participants. Liubov is happy to accompany diverse groups of (almost) any age (4–99).
- Topics: democratic ways of life, power and inequality relations, social change
- Methods: theater of the oppressed, expressive & body-oriented methods, project workshop
- Target groups: School classes, extracurricular places & exchange, adult education
Liubov Andreeva
Determine who knows your data!
»Just do it« or what is social justice?
Let’s talk about sex! Wie kann ich mit dir reden, wenn ich selbst (nicht) weiß, was ich will?
Menschenrechte – gemeinsam ins Handeln kommen mit Forumtheater
Mitmachen, sich einmischen, gestalten – das ist Demokratie!
Solidarity in motion – image theatre workshop