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Felix Uchenna Nwangwu

Nwangwu Felix Uchenna hails from Nigeria. He holds a bachelor degree in Religions from University of Benin, Nigeria and a master degree from University of Erfurt with academic interest in intersection of religion with modernism, post-colonialism, religion and globalization, religion in post-migrant societies and digitalization of religion.

His research on the impact of Pentecostalism in Nigeria reflects the role Pentecostal churches play in fostering and sustaining democracy in Nigeria.

Having worked as a volunteer of Project Revamp Africa, He garnered knowledge and experience on leadership, education and enterprise development interventions for young people. Participating in EJBW qualification program further enhanced his knowledge in working with young people and to make positive impact on them having been provided with the resources he needs.

Felix` interest in civic education includes democracy, human rights, discrimination and migration. He offers his workshops in English.

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Felix Uchenna Nwangwu