Elisey Kitsis
Elisey Kitsis (Photo: Katherin Gutierrez)
Elisey Kitsis is a musician from Uzbekistan of Jewish origin. He wrote his first rap at the age of 9. He still writes and produces music today, mainly under his stage name Senz Beatz.
At the age of 15, Elisey came to Germany with his family. All these changes, his memories of his distant youth and his life here in Germany today occupy him a lot. He deals with this in his lyrics and implements it in his workshops, which are about the search for identity and a good future. He wants to appeal to young people and adults and encourage them to lead a self-determined, active life. He believes that through self-determination and acceptance, we can build a better world for ourselves and our society without discrimination of any kind.
Of course, you can’t tell anyone how they should do something or what is right or wrong. Everyone has to find that out for themselves. That’s why Elisey wants to make such experiences and considered decisions possible. And so, alongside music, he started forum theater. Forum theater is a theater to participate in, to explore, to practice for life. He now helps young people and adults to translate their ideas and challenges into their own plays and then work with them. This allows them to explore themselves and their own possible paths.
He offers the forum theater method as well as musical and other creative methods in his workshops.