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Anna-Maria Weber

Anna-Maria Weber grew up in Thuringia and completed her degree in Urban Studies at the Bauhaus University Weimar in 2021. She then completed further training as a workshop leader in human rights education at the EJBW.

How did she get into political education? During her studies, she learned that many people can actually be experts on their living environment and have wishes for urban design.
It is part of democracy that not only a few, informed people decide what cities and spaces should look like. Or be allowed to choose what is told and handed down as »the« history of a city or region.

This is where political education is needed to encourage critical questioning, exploration and finding solutions. The aim is not to tell and constantly reproduce »the one« story, but to give space to many narratives.

Anna-Maria works on the following topics:

She describes her pedagogical approach as critical, creative and constructive: Where do we see structural challenges in our cities that prevent equal representation and design options in living environments? How can we respond to this?

The trainer conducts her workshops in Thuringia, Potsdam/​Berlin and, on request, in other regions.
She offers the workshops in German and English.

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Anna-Maria Weber