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Bildungsangebote /​ Foto: Henry Sowinski
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Colonisation and Neo- colonialism in Ghana: How aid is used as tool for neo colonialism and its impact on Ghana

Time required: approx. 3 – 4 hours
Age group: 18 years and older
Previous knowledge: Little or no knowledge about the aid industry is welcomed.


By early 1885, an agreement was reached in the Berlin conference and lead to the creation of boundaries in Africa and shared as cake among western European countries that includes (Germany, Portugal, France, Belgium, Britain among others). The main motives for exploring Africa were God, Gold, and most importantly Glory.

Africa countries particularly Ghana, the first Africa country to gain independent from colonial rule in the 1957 continuous to receive foreign aid support especially from former colony. The ending of colonial order and independence of African countries did not necessarily mean the relinquishment of western colonial powers. The west used the foreign aid agenda to continue their exploitation rather than serving it intended purpose in sub–Saharan Africa. We would explore on how colonizers used foreign aid to maintain their power on former colony, Ghana.

In this workshop, we will reflect on the how different colonisation was during pre-colonial time (locals) and colonial era (the west) in Ghana and compared it to our democratic world today. Furthermore, look at the hidden agenda and long-term repercussion of aid from former colonizers to colonies with focus on Ghana. Finally, discuss on what should be the ideal focus and approach of aid donors to recipient countries if aid should continue to ensure sustainability and liberty.


The purpose of this workshop is not only to share or reflects on the hinder agenda of aid from donors to recipient developing countries but to sensitize the narrative that Africa cannot survive without aid, or Africa are incapable of taking care of themselves.


In this workshop, we intend to use a historical approach to give a brief account of pre-colonial experience, colonial experiences, and neo-colonial experience in Ghana. Furthermore, a group activity (2–4) would be designed to do brief research on chosen historical timeline on colonial era in Ghana. With focus on aid as tool for neo-colonialism, comic interpretation by participants would use to explore the concept of neo colonialism. In addition, PowerPoint input would be used to further enlighten participants about the hidden agenda and long-term repercussion of aid from both traditional and non-traditional aid donors, Ghana.
Finally, use a beam video to get feedback (oral and pinboard keynotes on the effective and sustainable way of dealing with aid if it should (not) continue.


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