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Bildungsangebote /​ Foto: Henry Sowinski
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Intercultural learning: Addressing culture relativism /​ unpacking participant prejudice ideas

Time required: approx. 2 to 3 hours
Age group: 14 – 17 years
Group size: max. 15 participants
Previous knowledge: Little or no knowledge about the intercultural learning is welcomed.


More and more students across the world especially European countries find themselves in Sub Saharan Countries as a tourist, or for an exchange program. To achieve the purpose of the visit and have a memorable moment depend on how quickly one embraces and adopt the culture of the new environment. Inclusion is key to having a successful spell (either long or short) for exchange program students. Therefore, intercultural learning knowledge is required for participant embarking on an exchange program.

In this workshop, we would discuss the need for participation, explore participant identities (nationalities, gender, ethnic group, sex), and how one can be well integrated in a new society or environment (south Africa and Africa as a whole). Use a short video and incept from Trevor Noah’s book »BORN A CRIME« to discussion and reflection on our sense of belongings. Finally, in group discuss and present ideas or suggestion on intercultural learning excellence.


The purpose of this workshop is to unpack participant prejudice ideas and address culture relativism. Gain historical knowledge and lived experience about the people in South Africa through discussions on historical, and socio-cultural and current dynamics.


In this workshop, the approach is exploring individual identity, and reflect on what is around the topic culture and culture relativism. Secondly, participant would be well informed about the lived experience of South Africa through: history telling on pre-colonial experience, colonial experiences, and. south Africa and port Elizabeth of today. (Discuss about educational and curriculum content in SA through presentation and refection in comparism with German educational system).
Finally, produce a special magazine edition on inter culture learning (poems, comics, blog, doodles sketches etc )


This workshop can be held in English or German.
It will be offered traditionally or face to face.

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