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Bildungsangebote /​ Foto: Henry Sowinski
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Introduction to gender and sexual diversity

Time required: 2 – 6 hours (depending on requirements)
Age group: from 10 years


Being queer – what does that mean? People have different identities, sexual orientations and ways of living, loving and having relationships. This diversity is becoming more and more visible in today’s society and this workshop aims to promote this.


Various methods will be used to question stereotypes and break down prejudices. What is queerness and how can it be expressed?
Participants will interactively develop and discuss basic terms and concepts. In an open and safe space, everyone will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, reflect on themselves and acquire new knowledge.


The aim is to initiate learning processes through joint discussion that will enable participants to work towards a fairer society and greater acceptance of diversity, as well as to get to know and develop themselves better.


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