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Bildungsangebote /​ Foto: Henry Sowinski
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Crossing the border

Time required: approx. 3 hours
Age group: Students between 15 and 20 years old


No one shall be discriminated against on any ground such as sex, racial or ethnic origin, language, religion or belief, membership of a national minority, disability, age, sexual orientation or any other characteristic (see Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union).

Our (ascribed) differences are sometimes more, sometimes less contrasting. They draw a line between people and groups. In this workshop, we will fully cross borders, appreciate the diversity of our society and deal with »borders« on different levels.


The aim of this workshop is to find out how we can encounter boundaries and make use of them.


The workshop aims to provide opportunities for exchange, inspiration and critical reflection on divisions and connections in our society in an artistic and playful way. This workshop aims to stimulate dialog about our place in the world and with each other.


The workshop will be offered in German and English.

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